
Mountainbiken in der Wachau und im Dunkelsteinerwald

Die Wachau, der Dunkelsteinerwald und der Jauerling bieten sich aufgrund der Topografie und der bestehenden touristischen Infrastruktur als Mountainbike-Destination an.
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© pixabay, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau, Weinfranz

Juni war Klima-Monat: Webinare zum Nachschauen

Immer montags zur Primetime organisierte die KLAR!-Region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling vier Webinare zu den Themen Acker und Humusaufbau, ökologische Waldbewirtschaftung, klimafitte Gärten und Klimawandelanpassung im Tourismus. Die Video-Aufzeichnungen und Zusatzinformationen sind nun online abrufbar.
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The Fourth Wall – Seekopf Lookout Tower

The Seekopf and the Hirschwand belong to the World Heritage Trail and together form a popular excursion destination that is highly rated by hikers. A lookout tower affords a phenomenal 360-degree view. The prior existing tower was already over 25 years old and was showing signs of rotting, so it had to be demolished for safety reasons. The association "Jankerlklub Rossatz" and the market municipality of Rossatz-Arnsdorf worked on the construction of a new tower in order to continue being able to offer the rewarding view of the Wachau.
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20 years of the Wachau World Heritage Site

Unique cultural landscape between Melk and Krems Dry stone walls, terraced vineyards, apricot orchards, dry grasslands, the free-flowing Danube, ...
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SchülerInnen helfen bei Pflegeeinsatz in Dürnstein © BRG Krems

Supervision of the Wachau nature reserve

The Wachau is a section of the Danube valley that is unique anywhere in Austria and home to a many rare animal and plant species. All supervised areas lie within the European Nature Reserve Wachau. The preservation of this unique biodiversity is heavily dependent upon the maintenance of the areas. The dry grassland areas have to be mown annually or at least every two years, otherwise excessive growth of shrubs will occur.
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Schafbeweidung auf der Perchtoldsdorfer Heide als mögliches Vorbild für die Wachau? @ Welterbegemeinden Wachau

Wachauschaf - Grazing in conformity with nature conservation in the Wachau Valley and the Jauerling Nature Park

The association for the World Heritage Municipalities Wachau, province of Lower Austria/Nature Conservation department and Blühendes Österreich (Blooming Austria) have made it their goal to support an agricultural business in establishing an extensive sheep grazing regime in the Wachau Valley and in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park.
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Regional audio guide platform Wachau

There are already several audio guides in the Wachau which are offered by various platforms and operators. What has been missing so far is a collated presentation of all audio guides in the region. The offer will now be presented as a bundle and include a range of new audio guides.
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Aufwertung des Welterbesteigs ©Donau Niederösterreich/Robert Herbst

Further development of the World Heritage Trail Wachau in 2019

The World Heritage Trail is one of the leading tourist offerings in the Wachau. Thousands of people walk the hiking trail every year. Nevertheless, there is a lack of benches and other facilities. Path maintenance is also frequently problematic. The aim of this project is to help make the World Heritage Trail more attractive and raise awareness of the term "World Heritage" amongst the hikers.
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Attraktivierungsmaßnahmen außerhalb der Altstadt sind in Planung ©Michael Nader

Open space design for visitor guidance in Dürnstein

Dürnstein is currently faced with the problem of very large numbers of visitors flowing into the historic town centre at certain times. This causes considerable inconvenience for local residents. The aim is distribute visitor streams better with a plan for structural measures at and around car park P1.
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Wachauer Advent - eine Marke zur Bewerbung der gesamten Region ©Stift Göttweig/Markus Digruber

Wachau Advent 2019

The Wachau Advent has developed into a discrete tourist offering in the region in recent years. Starting in November, numerous cultural initiatives are offered as a way of stimulating the low season. To boost this development, additional measures will be taken.
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