
Asylum and integration coordination

Almost all municipalities in the LEADER region have taken in people who have fled from war and persecution in recent months. At the same time, committed citizens everywhere are taking care of these people on a voluntary basis – both during the asylum procedure and after they become recognised refugees. This work is challenging and takes up a lot of time. Providing these committed citizens with intensive support can give them the knowledge they need to increase the efficiency of their work through networking or to assist them in times of crisis.
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Ideenaustausch im Rahmen der Diplomarbeitsbörse © Rawpixel Ltd -

Diploma Thesis Exchange for Regional Development an online platform for practical scientific papers on regional development in Lower Austria. Students and topic providers meet at a “topic market place”. This is made possible by the six LEADER regions of Donau NÖ-Mitte, Kamptal, Niederösterreich Süd, Römerland Carnuntum, Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald and Weinviertel-Manhartsberg, for which the active search for diploma students is a major concern. The platform at put the topics and issues of the regions/municipalities in contact with students and vice versa as a way of bringing fresh ideas and science perspectives to the regions.
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Tourism Development Strategy Krems 2030

A lot of restructuring has taken place in the municipality of Krems and at its affiliated establishments, associations and contractors in recent years. These processes have given rise to the company Krems Tourismus GmbH, whose sole shareholder is the town of Krems.
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Best of Wachau quality assurance

Since March 2012, 52 “Best of Wachau” hoteliers and hosts have been working as strong and representative partners of the very highest standard and facilitate high-quality advertising of the Wachau as the region’s flagship establishments. Numerous joint activities and measures have been developed and implemented to date. Special attention has always been given to consistent further training of the establishments in the form of high-quality qualification activities.
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Development and positioning of the Best of Wachau Customer Club

The regional quality campaign "Best of Wachau" was officially launched in March 2012. In the following years, the initiative succeeded in attaining a high degree of acceptance amongst partner establishments as well as a high level of international recognition.
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Volunteer programmes – Youth for Nature

The goal of the volunteer project is to get young people involved in maintaining and conserving Natura 2000 protected areas in the Wachau UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since 2010, volunteers from Austria and around the world have come to the Wachau every summer to conserve valuable areas of dry grassland and orchid meadows.
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