
Naturvermittlung in der Stadt Melk

Die Stadtgemeinde Melk hat Anteil an den Europaschutzgebieten NÖ Alpenvorlandflüsse und Pielachtal und am Naturschutzgebiet Pielachmündung-Steinwand. Im Rahmen dieses Projekts soll das Bewusstsein der lokalen Bevölkerung für die Besonderheit dieser Gebiete deutlich gesteigert werden und damit ein achtsamer Umgang mit der Natur erwirkt werden.
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Weltkulturerbe Wachau erleben

Im Anschluss an das Bewusstseinsbildungsprojekt zum 20-Jahr-Jubiläum des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestatus der Wachau ist ein weiteres Projekt ins Leben gerufen worden, um auch den SchülerInnen der UNESCO-Schulen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Region und speziell die Besonderheiten des UNESCO-Welterbes Wachau hautnah zu erleben.
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Volunteers pflegen die Felsenböschung im Meditationsgarten der Kartause Aggsbach © Welterbegemeinden Wachau/Elisa Besenbäck

World Heritage Volunteers Wachau-Middle Rhine

Since 2004, an intensive exchange has been taking place between the two World Heritage cultural landscapes of the Wachau in Austria and the Upper Middle Rhine Valley in Germany. The cooperation should now be further intensified by a joint volunteer camp with a focus on caring for the cultural landscape.
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20 years of the Wachau World Heritage Site

Unique cultural landscape between Melk and Krems Dry stone walls, terraced vineyards, apricot orchards, dry grasslands, the free-flowing Danube, ...
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Einzigartige Kulturlandschaft des Welterbes Wachau © Franz Hauleitner

Start: Raising awareness of the Wachau Cultural Landscape

The Wachau region was inscribed in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites as a continuing cultural landscape in 2000. Little is known about the value of World Heritage, in particular the “OUV - outstanding universal value”. A major awareness-raising campaign is intended to change this and specifically address the population. The knowledge and importance of the Wachau Cultural Landscape should be imbued in the population as a way of getting everyone to handle this World Heritage site with greater sensitivity.
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Die Vielfalt an Pflanzen und Tieren soll erhalten werden © Dieter Manhart

Our meadows, our asset: Protecting meadows through regional development in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park

The Nature Park owes its great diversity of plants and animals to its mosaic-like cultural landscape and the extensively used meadows. Global changes are forcing many agricultural businesses to specialise or shut up shop. A consequence of this are meadows that are no longer managed and increasingly turning into woodland. To counteract this trend and preserve diversity in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park, a nature park brand is under development. This label stands for management compatible with nature and gives the businesses’ products added ecological value.
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The DANUBEparksCONNECTED project promoted by the "Danube Transnational Programme" runs from 2017 to 2019 and aims at counteracting the fragmentation of habitats along the Danube. The DANUBE HABITAT CORRIDOR campaign is designed to retain important habitats and their connections to each other by means of a Danube-wide strategy and initial pilot measures. A special focus lies on the island habitats of the Danube, the riparian forests and dry grasslands.
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Feierliche Übergabe des Managementplans mit Landesrat Mag. Karl Wilfing und den BürgermeisterInnen der Welterbegemeinden im Stift Göttweig © Daniela Matejschek

Management Plan Wachau World Heritage

The Management Plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wachau was presented at Göttweig Abbey on 29 March 2017.
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LIFE project WACHAU – lively Danube, dry grasslands, natural forest

The Wachau project is the first LIFE project implemented in the region whose goal was to conserve the region’s most endangered habitats. This resulted in three focal points: Lively Danube, dry grasslands and natural forest.
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LIFE+ project Wilderness Wetland Wachau

The currently running project “Wilderness Wetland Wachau” is intended to follow on from two previous LIFE projects in the region. Extensive measures for revitalising the remains of old river courses are planned during the project period. Existing areas of riparian forest on already existing and newly created islands should be improved and expanded. The creation of spawning waters is envisaged for highly endangered amphibians such as the yellow-bellied toad and the Danube northern crested newt, nests will be created for white-tailed eagles and valuable old trees will be protected.
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