
© pixabay, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau, Weinfranz

Juni war Klima-Monat: Webinare zum Nachschauen

Immer montags zur Primetime organisierte die KLAR!-Region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling vier Webinare zu den Themen Acker und Humusaufbau, ökologische Waldbewirtschaftung, klimafitte Gärten und Klimawandelanpassung im Tourismus. Die Video-Aufzeichnungen und Zusatzinformationen sind nun online abrufbar.
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20 years of the Wachau World Heritage Site

Unique cultural landscape between Melk and Krems Dry stone walls, terraced vineyards, apricot orchards, dry grasslands, the free-flowing Danube, ...
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Eine einheitliche Strategie zur baulichen Entwicklung der Wachau soll erarbeitet werden. ©Welterbegemeinden Wachau

Dialogue on the mission statement for culturally relevant construction in the UNESCO Wachau World Heritage Site

Citizens asked for their opinions. In June 2019, within the scope of a public civic dialogue, the citizens of the Wachau were able to talk to experts about their wishes and suggestions as the basis for the future management of building development in the Wachau World Heritage Site.
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Feierliche Übergabe des Managementplans mit Landesrat Mag. Karl Wilfing und den BürgermeisterInnen der Welterbegemeinden im Stift Göttweig © Daniela Matejschek

Management Plan Wachau World Heritage

The Management Plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wachau was presented at Göttweig Abbey on 29 March 2017.
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Kirchenschild © Anna Lun

Kirchen am Fluss (Churches on the river)

Unique sacred buildings on both banks of the Danube decorate a landscape that has been marked by Christian culture for many centuries. The goal of the project was to raise awareness amongst the local population and visitors of the monasteries, churches and chapels and to make the buildings something to experience. To this end, a whole series of projects was implemented.
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