
Wachauzonen in Furth

Das Gebiet der Marktgemeinde Furth bei Göttweig gehört in weiten Teilen zur Welterberegion Wachau und weist eine hohe Dichte an schützenswerten Bauwerken auf.
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Machbarkeitsstudie Teisenhoferhof

Der Teisenhoferhof ist eines der wichtigsten Gebäude für das kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben in der Marktgemeinde Weißenkirchen und hat einen außergewöhnlich hohen baukulturellen Wert und damit eine ebensolche Bedeutung für das Weltkulturerbe Wachau.
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Wachauzonen in Weißenkirchen

Bauen im Welterbe ist ein aktuelles Thema. Wachauzonen ermöglichen den Gemeinden, durch den Bebauungsplan präziser als mit herkömmlichen Methoden die mögliche Bebauung in historisch wertvollen Siedlungsbereichen festzulegen. Das Konzept der Wachauzonen ist deshalb eines der zentralen Elemente zur Bewahrung der wachautypischen Baukultur im Welterbe.
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© pixabay, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau, Weinfranz

Juni war Klima-Monat: Webinare zum Nachschauen

Immer montags zur Primetime organisierte die KLAR!-Region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling vier Webinare zu den Themen Acker und Humusaufbau, ökologische Waldbewirtschaftung, klimafitte Gärten und Klimawandelanpassung im Tourismus. Die Video-Aufzeichnungen und Zusatzinformationen sind nun online abrufbar.
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© Christian Jansky

Wachau Zones: Spitz

Building in a World Heritage site is a topical issue. Historic settlement areas often present difficult challenges for municipalities and owners. With the help of the Wachau Zones, development plans are elaborated which simplify dealing with historic buildings in line with World Heritage requirements.
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The Fourth Wall – Seekopf Lookout Tower

The Seekopf and the Hirschwand belong to the World Heritage Trail and together form a popular excursion destination that is highly rated by hikers. A lookout tower affords a phenomenal 360-degree view. The prior existing tower was already over 25 years old and was showing signs of rotting, so it had to be demolished for safety reasons. The association "Jankerlklub Rossatz" and the market municipality of Rossatz-Arnsdorf worked on the construction of a new tower in order to continue being able to offer the rewarding view of the Wachau.
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20 years of the Wachau World Heritage Site

Unique cultural landscape between Melk and Krems Dry stone walls, terraced vineyards, apricot orchards, dry grasslands, the free-flowing Danube, ...
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Bauen in Spitz ©Günter Kargl

Wachau Zones: Spitz

Building in a World Heritage site is a topical issue. Historic settlement areas often present difficult challenges for municipalities and owners. With the help of the Wachau Zones, development plans are elaborated which simplify dealing with historic buildings in line with World Heritage requirements.
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Sozialer Treffpunkt am Zornberg wird aufgewertet ©Franz Hauleitner

Installation of a composting toilet on the World Heritage Trail

The Spitzer Graben panoramic hiking trail has a lot to offer. On Sunday, wines, juices and water are served at the Zornberg chalet in the Zornberg vineyard. However, there is no toilet to relieve oneself.
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Die Vielfalt an Pflanzen und Tieren soll erhalten werden © Dieter Manhart

Our meadows, our asset: Protecting meadows through regional development in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park

The Nature Park owes its great diversity of plants and animals to its mosaic-like cultural landscape and the extensively used meadows. Global changes are forcing many agricultural businesses to specialise or shut up shop. A consequence of this are meadows that are no longer managed and increasingly turning into woodland. To counteract this trend and preserve diversity in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park, a nature park brand is under development. This label stands for management compatible with nature and gives the businesses’ products added ecological value.
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