
(c) Rainer Friedl

Mobilitätskonzept für Alltagsmobilität in der Wachau

Das „Mobilitätskonzept für Alltagsmobilität in der Wachau“ verfolgt das Ziel, die Verkehrsinfrastruktur der Region nachhaltig zu verbessern. Mit dem Fokus auf umweltfreundliche Verkehrsmittel wie die Wachaubahn, Fähren und bedarfsorientierte Angebote soll der motorisierte Individualverkehr reduziert und die Mobilität der Bevölkerung gestärkt werden.
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© pixabay, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau, Weinfranz

Juni war Klima-Monat: Webinare zum Nachschauen

Immer montags zur Primetime organisierte die KLAR!-Region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling vier Webinare zu den Themen Acker und Humusaufbau, ökologische Waldbewirtschaftung, klimafitte Gärten und Klimawandelanpassung im Tourismus. Die Video-Aufzeichnungen und Zusatzinformationen sind nun online abrufbar.
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20 years of the Wachau World Heritage Site

Unique cultural landscape between Melk and Krems Dry stone walls, terraced vineyards, apricot orchards, dry grasslands, the free-flowing Danube, ...
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Sozialer Treffpunkt am Zornberg wird aufgewertet ©Franz Hauleitner

Installation of a composting toilet on the World Heritage Trail

The Spitzer Graben panoramic hiking trail has a lot to offer. On Sunday, wines, juices and water are served at the Zornberg chalet in the Zornberg vineyard. However, there is no toilet to relieve oneself.
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Die Vielfalt an Pflanzen und Tieren soll erhalten werden © Dieter Manhart

Our meadows, our asset: Protecting meadows through regional development in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park

The Nature Park owes its great diversity of plants and animals to its mosaic-like cultural landscape and the extensively used meadows. Global changes are forcing many agricultural businesses to specialise or shut up shop. A consequence of this are meadows that are no longer managed and increasingly turning into woodland. To counteract this trend and preserve diversity in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park, a nature park brand is under development. This label stands for management compatible with nature and gives the businesses’ products added ecological value.
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Feierliche Übergabe des Managementplans mit Landesrat Mag. Karl Wilfing und den BürgermeisterInnen der Welterbegemeinden im Stift Göttweig © Daniela Matejschek

Management Plan Wachau World Heritage

The Management Plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wachau was presented at Göttweig Abbey on 29 March 2017.
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World Heritage Trail Wachau

The loop hiking trail on both sides of the Danube connects existing trails and makes it possible to explore the unique landscape of the Wachau on foot. In this way, the Wachau can be appreciated from a new perspective on 14 stages distributed over approx. 180 varied kilometres.
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Wachau 2010plus

The aim of Wachau 2010plus was to further develop the cultural and landscape gem of the Wachau by restaging its cultural and tourism activities in harmony with the people who live and work in the region. Doing so should reveal the special quality of this cultural landscape to visitors.
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Danube Crossing at Aggsbach: Feasibility

One topic that has preoccupied the region for many years is the lack of a crossing over the Danube between Melk and Spitz near the towns of Aggsbach-Markt and Aggsbach-Dorf. After several unsuccessful attempts to set up a conventional bicycle ferry between them, the two towns are now pursuing an unconventional approach: in the future, they could be connected by a cableway across the Danube.
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