
Hochaltarbild von Kremser Schmidt in der Pfarrkirche Wösendorf © Katharina Mahel

Illumination of the "Kremser Schmidt" paintings in Wösendorf parish church

In a time when churches are being used less and less as places of worship, adapting them into places of culture and retreat is becoming increasingly important. To mark the 300th anniversary of the painter "Kremser Schmidt", his paintings in Wösendorf parish church were lavishly restored. In order to be able to protect the paintings better for future generations and to make their contents easier to see, a new LED lighting system should be installed.
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The DANUBEparksCONNECTED project promoted by the "Danube Transnational Programme" runs from 2017 to 2019 and aims at counteracting the fragmentation of habitats along the Danube. The DANUBE HABITAT CORRIDOR campaign is designed to retain important habitats and their connections to each other by means of a Danube-wide strategy and initial pilot measures. A special focus lies on the island habitats of the Danube, the riparian forests and dry grasslands.
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Advent in der Wachau © Stadt Melk/Franz Gleiß

Detail and implementation planning for the Wachau Advent

In recent years, a number of initiatives have established themselves in the region in late autumn and winter which have had a very positive impact on the development of tourism and thus on extending the season. Apart from the long-distance hiking trail “World Heritage Trail Wachau”, which can be easily hiked even in the colder months thanks to the mild climate, numerous cultural initiatives, such as “ELIT” (European literature days), “Wachau in Echtzeit” (Wachau in Real Time - curated by Ursula Strauss) as well as many Advent markets and culinary events have become established. The implementation of the mobility concept (bus connections) means that all municipalities in the region can now also be easily reached without a car.
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Junge Nasen © TB Zauner

The European Diploma for Protected Areas of the Council of Europe

The European Diploma for Protected Areas is doubtless one of the most valuable awards that can be bestowed upon a region. Awards can be given to sufficiently protected natural and cultural landscapes – in the case of the Wachau, the designation of the valley as a landscape conservation area is the gentlest possible but nevertheless sufficient level of protection – above all due to their special quality in scientific, cultural, aesthetic and/or recreational terms.
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Saisoneröffnung in Maria Langegg 2017 © Christian Reisinger

Development of a cultural tourism strategy for the south bank of the Wachau

The municipalities of Mautern, Bergern, Furth, Rossatz-Arnsdorf and Schönbühel-Aggsbach will be intensifying their collaboration over the coming years and focusing on the common positioning of the south bank. Under the direction of Martin Vogg, who was previously responsible for the project Wachau 2010 plus, existing offers should be combined with new ones and wrapped up into bookable packages, starting with the two locations of Maria Langegg and the Aggsbach Charterhouse.
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Feierliche Übergabe des Managementplans mit Landesrat Mag. Karl Wilfing und den BürgermeisterInnen der Welterbegemeinden im Stift Göttweig © Daniela Matejschek

Management Plan Wachau World Heritage

The Management Plan for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Wachau was presented at Göttweig Abbey on 29 March 2017.
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LIFE project WACHAU – lively Danube, dry grasslands, natural forest

The Wachau project is the first LIFE project implemented in the region whose goal was to conserve the region’s most endangered habitats. This resulted in three focal points: Lively Danube, dry grasslands and natural forest.
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Wachau Zones

Through the provision of a development plan, Wachau Zones enable the municipalities to determine possible development in historically valuable settlement areas more precisely than with conventional methods. The concept of the Wachau Zones is therefore one of the central elements for preserving the building culture typically found in the Wachau as a World Heritage Site.
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LIFE+ project Wilderness Wetland Wachau

The currently running project “Wilderness Wetland Wachau” is intended to follow on from two previous LIFE projects in the region. Extensive measures for revitalising the remains of old river courses are planned during the project period. Existing areas of riparian forest on already existing and newly created islands should be improved and expanded. The creation of spawning waters is envisaged for highly endangered amphibians such as the yellow-bellied toad and the Danube northern crested newt, nests will be created for white-tailed eagles and valuable old trees will be protected.
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LIFE+ project Wachau-Mostviertel

The LIFE+ project Mostviertel-Wachau includes measures on the Danube and the Ybbs river. Revitalisation measures are being implemented on the Ybbs in Amstetten and on the Pielach, and disconnected side arms of the Danube are being reconnected to the river in the Wachau.
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