
Regional audio guide platform Wachau

There are already several audio guides in the Wachau which are offered by various platforms and operators. What has been missing so far is a collated presentation of all audio guides in the region. The offer will now be presented as a bundle and include a range of new audio guides.
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Presenting the women of the Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald region

Young women living in rural areas overwhelmingly underestimate their personal opportunities for the future compared to those living in urban areas. This is resulting in a brain-drain of well-educated women. This project is intended to highlight how modern and diverse the situation for women can be in rural areas and what opportunities for the future are on offer in the Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald region.
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Aufwertung des Welterbesteigs ©Donau Niederösterreich/Robert Herbst

Further development of the World Heritage Trail Wachau in 2019

The World Heritage Trail is one of the leading tourist offerings in the Wachau. Thousands of people walk the hiking trail every year. Nevertheless, there is a lack of benches and other facilities. Path maintenance is also frequently problematic. The aim of this project is to help make the World Heritage Trail more attractive and raise awareness of the term "World Heritage" amongst the hikers.
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Attraktivierungsmaßnahmen außerhalb der Altstadt sind in Planung ©Michael Nader

Open space design for visitor guidance in Dürnstein

Dürnstein is currently faced with the problem of very large numbers of visitors flowing into the historic town centre at certain times. This causes considerable inconvenience for local residents. The aim is distribute visitor streams better with a plan for structural measures at and around car park P1.
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Wachauer Advent - eine Marke zur Bewerbung der gesamten Region ©Stift Göttweig/Markus Digruber

Wachau Advent 2019

The Wachau Advent has developed into a discrete tourist offering in the region in recent years. Starting in November, numerous cultural initiatives are offered as a way of stimulating the low season. To boost this development, additional measures will be taken.
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Besucherlenkung in der Altstadt Dürnstein ©Welterbegemeinden Wachau

Implementation measures for visitor guidance in Dürnstein

"Overtourism" is a buzzword that is often used in connection with Dürnstein. The historic town centre is one of the best-known sights of the Wachau World Heritage Site. However, the old town is absolutely overrun at certain times. Various measures on every level should help to avoid conflicts and ease the current situation.
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Touristische Strategieentwicklung in Spitz an der Donau ©Hans Ringhofer

Spitz strategy development 2019

The tourist infrastructure of the municipality Spitz at the Danube is very small in scale. Combined with demographic trends, the tourist offering has for some time now been experiencing stagnation and to some extent even decline. The project aims at producing a strategy and possible measures for future development.
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Barrierefreie Sportanlage wird durch spezielle Bodenplatten realisiert. © Barzflex

Accessible exercise park in Melk

Exercise and sport play an important role in maintaining life-long health, yet studies show a lack of exercise and sport in the Austrian population. The “Melk Exercise Park” is intended to help change this failing in Melk and the surrounding area in a completely accessible way.
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Zeitgeschichte sichtbar machen © Gregor Semrad

"A town has and endures history" – Development of information points for contemporary history in Krems

Krems-Stein, the idyllic twin town, is considered to be the "Gateway to the Wachau" and a pioneering model of monument management with World Heritage status. At the same time, however, the town’s more recent history – and above all its contemporary history – is marred by numerous dark spots.
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Bauen in Spitz ©Günter Kargl

Wachau Zones: Spitz

Building in a World Heritage site is a topical issue. Historic settlement areas often present difficult challenges for municipalities and owners. With the help of the Wachau Zones, development plans are elaborated which simplify dealing with historic buildings in line with World Heritage requirements.
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